4 min read

Deviation Actions

ArtisanCraft's avatar


Some frequently asked questions about dA and ArtisanCraft is answered here. Let us know if there's something you think should be added.

How can I make links to other in my journal?

If you want to display the username, type :dev ArtisanCraft: (without the space) and it will show up like this:

If you want to display the icon, type :icon ArtisanCraft: (without the space) and it will show up like this:

FAQ #81: How can I create links to other deviants, deviations, or websites?

ArtisanCraft vs Artisan Crafts Gallery

ArtisanCraft is a club on deviantART, open for any artisans who wish to join. However it is not an offical dA club nor is it connected to the Artisan Crafts Gallery. It's a regular group run by driving forces within the Artisan Crafts Community on dA.

Who is the Gallery Moderator of Artisan Crafts?

MyntKat is currently the gallery moderator for the Artisan Crafts gallery.
List of all Gallery Moderators

Daily Deviations

Todays Daily Deviations

FAQ #61: What is a Daily Deviation?
FAQ #18: Who selects Daily Deviations and how are they chosen?

Report miscats in the galleries

Are you tired of seeing misplaced deviations in your galleries? Searching for some nice jewelry and finding someones foot instead? Or wanting to browse some great textile/costume, instead you get some close up of a kid in a bought cosplay dress? Ever thought "Man that really shouldn't be there"

Report Miscat explains how it works and how you can take an active role in cleaning up the gallery by simply reporting them!

FAQ #155: How do I report a deviation which I think breaks the rules?

You can help artisans!

How to be a guiding light and a shining example
You don't have to be a Gallery Moderator or have a fancy symbol next to your name to promote and support artists within your favourite gallery. Read on to find out how to make your corner of dA a better place...

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